Monday, September 30, 2013

Oh, I'm so busy

Sorry for not posting a lot. School is terrible. But my whole life is different after last weekend's fiasco, so I'll be sure to update everyone.


I've been a Twinings girl for years, before I knew what coffee was, before I fell in love with tofu, before I had my first boyfriend (yeah, a LONG time ago). I love tea. It calms me down, makes me happy. It helps quell bad memories when they surface. It reminds me of home, without making me terribly homesick (like those awesome ocean-scented candles Witch City Wicks sells. I almost started crying when I brought Sea Mist up to my nose).

HOWEVER - I've never been much into loose teas. Until last week.

A few weekends ago, I happened upon a loose-leaf tea shop. I've never been convinced to make the plunge (it's messy and complicated without like all the expensive tools), but these people...damn. It's like they tailor-made their products for a Boston Candice.


  1. Their mug. PERFECT. I was skeptical, but not only is the animal mug ADORABLE, it's so easy. I've taken it to my morning classes every day this week.
  2. Their teas. They have everything, and I'm picky. Like, very picky. I'm not an oolong or rooibos person. I don't usually drink green teas (they have to be strongly flavored otherwise). I like black teas, and herbals with lots of honey.
  3. I'm obsessed with autumn in Boston. I would say summer is my favorite season, because of the parties, and the freedom, but in NE it's all about fall. And their fall teas this year...damn. I've had the set for almost a week now, and I've tried them all, and they're ALL BRILLIANT.
fall collection box <3

Sugar & Spice is my go-to morning tea. It's the black tea that I bring to my classes. At first taste I didn't like it, but now it makes me really happy to have it in my class. It smells so great, everyone likes it.

Mom's Apple Pie is a green tea (which I don't normally drink) that tastes like a hug. I have it if I need a caffeine kick later in the day and I don't feel like a heavy black tea.

Pumpkin Chai...mmmm. Now I'm not a big chai fan either (I'm really white you guys), but this blend is fantastic. This is a stea or a morning tea or anytime I'm feeling depressed tea [which is right now you guys...more on this later]. It's like a fall embrace of my insides. Lighting a fall-scented candle while drinking it is required.

Pistachio Cream is the herbal tea go-to. I like herbal teas, and I love pistachios, but this is the weakest of the bunch. Still solid (and great for before bed), but I'm not sure I would buy a tin of this.

Coco Berry is a mate, which I've never had before now, and it scared the crap out of me before I tried it. A stimulant?? Is this cocaine? Answer: no, not really, but it's a tea to drink when you NEED a heavy kick in the butt, and you can afford the caffeine fall-out in a couple of hours. I can't drink this in the morning - I'll be all jittery and then die by 12pm. Very important side-note, it's absolutely chocolatey deliciousness. It makes you want more and more...maybe it is a drug.

So all in all, that's my review of David's Tea and their fall collection!! Definitely try Pumpkin Chai, Sugar and Spice, and if you can handle mate, Cocoberry. Also, the mystery tea they're giving away with all the orders now is FANTASTIC. 

If you ever wanna buy me a gift, or need a review of a tea...I'll be your test-bunny (:

xoxo, hshb,

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