Friday, July 19, 2013

my beauty routine, aka my attempt to save my skin

I stated yesterday how awful my skin was looking, which is why I ran to Lush to get stuff for my face. I want to look good for the boy this weekend, sue me.

BEFORE. Gross.

So I got a few things, because for the past week my skincare routine has been just Dove beauty soap and some old Salicylic acid crap I had in my medicine cabinet. And clearly (or not so acne joke), this routine was not working.

I was a big fan of Lush's Let the Good Times Rule cleanser back before it was discontinued, and since then I haven't found a good replacement. My skin is kind of sensitive, breaks out sometimes, and my cheeks will get dried out occasionally. I always have a hard time explaining my skin type to people, but I tried, and a nice worker at Lush recommended either Fresh Farmacy or Herbalism as a cleanser, then Mask of Magnaminty, then Tea Tree Water. I don't use mosturizer when I'm in DC, it's so humid here that I don't need it. I use Cosmetic Lad when I'm in Boston. I choose Fresh Farmacy over Herbalism because I can't put things on my face that smell not-awesome, and Herbalism smells like garlic. I couldn't deal with it.
Anyway, after "working out" (I was so sore I could barely move) today, I hopped in the shower to try my bunch of new Lush products. I washed with Fresh Farmacy and it felt really good - smooth going on, and then my skin felt tight and clean after I rinsed. When I got out of the shower, I put on Mask of Mag, and immediately I could feel the mint. Like, it was Listerine for my face. SO INTENSE. My skin was tingling, and I wondered if that was ok, but I figured I'd stick it out for the sake of my 3-day-old blog, so I left the mask on for 5 minutes. (I did the lower limit because I already knew my skin is sensitive, and way back when I tried Brazened Honey, it was too harsh and made me break out.)

I'm so cute in my little robe.

Well, at the end of the 5 minutes, I literally thought: "GET THIS HELL-SPAWN OFF MY FACE," which is funny, because of this blog's title. And then I rinsed, and it felt so good to rinse off - like I was peeling off the outer layer of my face and exposing my skin to the elements. Now that it's off, my skin feels awesome, clean, soft, and smooth. I followed up with a few sprays of Tea Tree Toner, and that made it feel even better. 

After the whole thing. Still in the robe.
So right now, I'm a fan of these products. We'll see if they help my little breakouts or make it worse, I'll update you in a couple days!

xoxo, hshb,

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